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发布时间: 2023-08-30 浏览次数:



朱晓辉,博士,讲师,硕士生导师,深圳市后备级人才。美国Mayo Clinic访问学者。2013年中山大学中山医学院,病理学与病理生理学专业博士毕业,同年入职广东医科大学,历任讲师、副教授;2019年7月入职深圳大学医学部,担任副研究员;2020年9月加盟深圳技术大学。主要研究方向为肿瘤药理和分子靶向治疗、非编码RNA与肿瘤生物学。




广东省自然科学基金项目,2016A030310355,鱼藤酮类似物Dalbinol下调Dvl2抑制肝细胞肝癌增殖的分子机制, 2016/06-2019/06,结题,主持

广东省教育厅青年创新人才项目,2014KQNCX096,槲皮素在鼻咽癌细胞系CNE1和CNE1-GL中的抗肿瘤活性及其机制研究, 2014/11-2016/10,结题,主持



(1) L. Li#, B. Bao, X. Chai, X. Chen, X. Su, S. Feng*, X. Zhu*, The Anti-Inflammatory Effect of Callicarpa nudiflora Extract on H. Pylori-Infected GES-1 Cells through the Inhibition of ROS/NLRP3/Caspase-1/IL-1beta Signaling Axis, Can J Infect Dis Med Microbiol 2022 (2022) 5469236.

(2)Shibai Yan; Juntao Fang; Yongcai Chen; Yong Xie; Siyou Zhang;Xiaohui Zhu*; Feng Fang*; Comprehensive analysis of prognostic gene signatures based on immune infiltration of ovarian cancer, BMC Cancer, 2020, 1205(20): 1-15.

(3)Shixiu Feng#*, Zhenzhen Wang#, Min Zhang,Xiaohui Zhu*, and Zhanjun Ren, HG30, a tetrahydroanthraquinone compound isolated from the roots of Prismatomeris connate, induces apoptosis in human non-small cell lung cancer cells. Biomedicine & pharmacotherapy, 2018, 100: 124-131.

(4) Xiaohui Zhu#, Xin Wu#, Jing Cheng, Hongbo Liao, Xiaoqing Di, Lili Li, Rong Li, Yanfang Zhou*, Xiangning Zhang*, Dalbinol, a rotenoid from Amorpha fruticosa L., exerts anti-proliferative activity by facilitating beta-catenin degradation in hepatocellular carcinoma cells. Oncotarget, 2017, 8(29): 47755-47766.

(5) Shuangli Qiu, Xin Wu, Hongbo Liao, Xiaobin Zeng, Senwang Zhang, Xiaofen Lu, Xiaohong He, Xiaoqi Zhang, Wencai Ye, Hua Wu*,Xiaohui Zhu*. Pteisolic acid G, a new ent-kaurane diterpenoid, inhibits proliferation and induces apoptosis in human colorectal carcinoma cells. Oncology Letters, 2016, 14: 5540-5548.




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